Low Back Pain Treatments

If you or a loved one are struggling with low back pain, and you live in the vicinity of Edwardsville, IL, schedule an appointment at the Chiropractic Care Center. Hands-on treatment may be just what you need to not only address back pain right now, but to reduce the risk of issues in the future. Dr. Robert Devine has helped countless people deal with various aches and pains, and he’s ready to help you and your family.

The Many Causes of Pain in the Lower Back

When it comes to chronic pain, lower back pain is one of the most common forms. Many different things can cause pain in the lower back. We’ll list some of the causes below but keep in mind that your specific case may be the result of other issues.

  • Auto accidents- The back often comes under intense strain during car accidents, resulting in lingering issues.
  • Improper lifting- If you lifted something that is too heavy or with the improper techniques, whether at home or work, it could cause an injury.
  • Degenerative disc disease- The discs in your spine can lose fluid and lose their shape with time, leaving the back more sensitive.
  • Sports injuries- Physical sports can be great for the body, but a rough fall or collision could strain your back or affect your spine’s alignment.
  • Poor ergonomics- Your office chair at work or bed at home could fail to provide enough support for your back.

The good news is that no matter the source of your low back pain, if you live near Edwardsville, IL, you may be able to secure relief by working with Dr. Devine. He will work with you to pin down the cause of your aches and then offer treatment options. Each treatment plan is customized to the patient and their needs and preferences.

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care

You might think that rest will be enough to address your aches and pains. It’s possible that resting will provide relief, but often, it’ll prove to be only short-term. If something in your body is knocked out of alignment or if the issue is otherwise severe, your body may need a helping hand.

Some patients turn to pain medication, which can work in a pinch but can cause bad side effects and may spur dependency if relied on too much. By working with a chiropractor, you can mitigate many risks.

Need help with low back pain in Edwardsville, IL? Call 618 656 5300 to reach the Chiropractic Care Center. Once you get in touch, you can schedule an appointment with Dr. Devine.

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